Monday, April 21, 2014


This article is about human rights in Iran and how they were promised to be changed by the new cleric Hassan Rouhani. Unfortunately, not only have human rights not had reform for the better, they have actually gotten worse. Capital punishment and executions are on the rise in Iran. Iran has now passed China as the leader of executions per capita in the world. over 500 people were executed last year and within the first three months of this year 176 people have already been put to death. Its pretty crazy to think how high that number is. I don't have the numbers but I would be willing to guess that the United States hasn't put that many people to death (At least through the court system) in the last 10 years. I could be wrong but it just seems like to high a number for us to be close to it.   

Monday, April 14, 2014

the bombings that took place in Nigeria are pretty crazy. recently, people in the United States have a better concept of what terrorist can do to affect peoples perception of life. but we really have no idea what it is like to live in a place where this happens much more often. most of us are very sheltered and do not truly understand the crazy people out there in the world and the crazy agenda that they have.

Monday, April 7, 2014


this is an interesting article about a "game changer" in Brazilian politics. Marina Silva, a former senator has made a very unexpected move to join the Socialist Party in Brazil (PSB) which experts say is a huge leap being that the Worker's Party and the Social Democratic Party before that have dominated Brazilian politics for over the last 20 years. This is a big jump forward as it has given hope to the Socialist Party and to other parties in the future. Time will only tell if they use this new opportunity wisely or if the squander it.

Monday, March 31, 2014

The link above is about the Mexican Senate passing a bill that will allow politicians to be able to run for more than one term. It does not apply to the President but to all other political offices. this will also allow independent parties to run and have a "fair"shot to win an office. While on the surface, this seems like a great idea, trying to limit the amount of dominance that a party can have, Mexico does not have a great track record of not being able to decrease corruption. Time will only tell if the Mexican people can come together and root out some of the issues that are concerning America and the rest of the world.  

Monday, March 24, 2014


Above is a link about India's health care system and how it is not discussed enough in the upcoming political elections. i find this rather ironic in that living in the United States, all we seem to talk about is health care and yet other countries dont seem to talk about it enough. India has one of the most affordable and efficient health care systems in the world. India has more that 400,000 doctors and yet the United States, being one fourth of the population of India, has more doctors. its amazing to me that our health care system is so based on money and not necessarily based on helping others. the second you walk into a hospital in the United States and you seem to already be charged $1000.00. India is on pace to become the leading health care system in the world, i think we should take note.

Monday, February 10, 2014


below is an article how the German government charging a now 88 year old man with 25 counts of murder for the crimes he committed while he was a member of the Nazi's infamous SS. Although i agree with the Government that everyone who took part in the slaughter of millions of people should be held accountable, this should have taken place a much long time ago, when the man could have actually paid for his sins. more than likely, he will not even make it a year in jail.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Although we live in the "Best" democracy in the world and we think that every country should be a democracy, anything and everything can become corrupt. Indonesia is the worlds third largest democracy behind only India and the United States and is having massive problems with corruption. in my mind, although we may not see it on the surface all the time and certainly not everyone is guilty of such things, the United States has a large problem with corrupt or as some like to call it " lobbyist"  push their own views with the money they have in their pocket.

below is a link talking about the corruption in Indonesia

Monday, January 13, 2014

thought this went right along with todays class